Join the adventure with NFTs Hoody Studio

Discover our exclusive NFT collections and support the development of our video games. In exchange, enjoy unique benefits, exclusive items and a direct link to our projects, including Paint to Win.
Hoody Studio NFTs are unique digital artworks that directly support our studio and projects. These collections offer their holders exclusive benefits, both in-game and in our community.

What are NFTs Hoody Studio?

Support and benefits

Available collections

Founder's pass (first 1000 NFT)​

Our exclusive collection of 1000 NFTs for founding supporters.

Unique benefits :

  • Exclusive Paint to Win character skin.
  • Early access to the beta.
  • Name in game credits.
  • Special role on Discord and access to a private room.

Ultimate Supporter Pass (10 000 NFTs)

Our second collection, designed to expand the community and offer exclusive long-term benefits.

Unique benefits:

  • Special Paint to Win weapon skin (unique paint effect).
  • Access to exclusive multiplayer events.
  • Accelerated progression (cosmetics only).

Legend Supporter (owns both collections)

A distinction for the most committed. Holders of both collections combine all the above advantages and benefit from a legendary pack.

Unique advantages :

  • Full pack (character skin + weapon skin).
  • Name displayed in a special zone or map.
  • Invitation to exclusive events and tournaments.

Explore our exclusive NFTs

How it works (How do I get an NFT?)

How to join the adventure?

Create a crypto wallet

Start with MetaMask or a compatible wallet.

Buy your NFT

Go to OpenSea and choose your Founder's Pass or Ultimate Supporter.

Join the community

Link your wallet to our Discord and unlock your benefits.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

An NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a unique digital work that can be bought, sold or exchanged.

They allow you to support Hoody Studios while gaining access to exclusive benefits.

Yes, Founder’s Pass NFTs can be resold on OpenSea or any other compatible platform.

Join our Discord and start enjoying your benefits.

Support Hoody Studio

and gain access to exclusive rewards in our games.